Contact Us

Practice Information

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, feel free to visit or ring us on the contact information below:

Hornby House,
452 Barlow Moor Road,
M21 0BQ

Telephone: 0161 881 2110

Alternatively please feel free to email us using the address above or by completing the form below.

Parking Information

We are aware of the car parking problems in Chorlton and we would ask you to try and leave a little extra time for parking when you are arriving for your appointments.

There is no longer any parking available outside of the practice or on the opposite side of the road. There is a car park behind Chorlton shopping Precinct which currently available to use however this facility is due to close in the near future. It is a pay and display and payment can be made via the RingGo app however there is an additional 40p charge.

Please be aware that the machine asks you to enter your car registration number when purchasing your ticket and then remember to display the ticket on your windscreen.

There is free parking on lots of side roads around the Practice but please be aware that many houses have put additional driveways in so please be careful not to block these in any way.

Practice Opening Hours

9.00 – 12.30
2.00 – 5.30
9.00 – 12.30
2.00 – 5.30
9.00 – 12.30
2.00 – 5.30
9.00 – 12.30
2.00 – 5.30
8.00 – 11.30
12.30 – 4.00

Please note the practice is closed each day for lunch. (Answer machine facility 24 hours a day and email ) We aim to reply at our earliest opportunity but may be longer in busy periods or staff shortages.